Eldin Dzubur, PhD

Eldin Dzubur, PhD

Director, Measurement and Outcomes

Aircare Health


Eldin Dzubur is a behavioral health researcher primarily interested in the implementation of experience sampling and ambulatory assessment methodology. Dr. Dzubur’s work has focused on the challenges and opportunities that accompany ecological momentary assessment, and he seeks to further preventive medicine by applying these lessons to behavioral interventions. He was formerly a senior clinical data scientist at Teladoc Health, where he analyzed program cost-effectiveness, supported clinical outcomes research, and provided thought leadership for research and development.

Dr. Dzubur has academic, industry, and clinical experience in implementing digital health technology for research and interventions. He continues to disseminate his work through publications, presentations at conferences such as the Society of Behavioral Medicine, and development of open-source software. Dr. Dzubur is the co-author of MixWILD, a software for mixed effects analysis and the author of xtmixed, a Stata package used to disaggregate the within- and between-subject effects in multilevel models using ecological momentary assessment data. He has also developed an R package, ActiPro, used to integrate output data from ActiLife software and ActiWatch hardware with standalone physical activity studies and those using ecological momentary assessment. Dr. Dzubur has developed mobile applications, including a smoking cessation app known as MyQuitUSC for the Android mobile operating system.

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  • Digital Health Interventions
  • Wearable and Remote Sensors
  • Ecological Momentary Assessment


  • PhD in Preventive Medicine (Health Behavior Research), 2017

    University of Southern California

  • MS in Health Psychology, 2012

    University of Michigan-Dearborn

  • BS in Psychology, 2010

    Wayne State University
